Mon, Apr 20, 2020

TSU Post-ECQ Plans and Actions for Students and Faculty

The following is the approved post-ECQ plan of Tarlac State University on academic matters based on the series of meetings of the administrative council, academic council online meeting, CHED Advisory No. 6, and CHED, PASUC, Region III SUC Presidents online meetings.


The well-being of students and their families, and the whole TSU family was considered in the respective meetings held.

  • Remaining School Calendar (2nd Semester, A.Y. 2019-2020)

As per the agreement of the SUC presidents in Region III and with the approval of the Administrative and Academic Councils, the 2nd semester, A.Y. 2019-2020 will end on May 15, 2020. The semester will not be extended.

May 15 is the scheduled end of the semester based on the university’s collegiate academic calendar.

Students are not allowed to enter the university premises (whether or not ECQ will be lifted) because of the risk of exposure in traveling.

  • Grading System

The midterm performance of students will be the basis for their final grades.

For classes whose midterm exams were cancelled due to the pronouncement of the ECQ, determinants such as quizzes, recitations, reports, and others will be used as basis for their grades.

If a student’s recorded performance for the midterms lacks requirements and does not meet the passing grade, he/she will be given an INC or incomplete remark instead. This can be completed within a year.

Students who failed to attend their classes during the midterm period and are considered unofficially dropped will be given a DROPPED remark instead of Unofficially Dropped (UD).

To augment students’ learning and fulfill the required hours for each course/subject, flexible learning will be employed. E-Learning, text messaging, module system, and other alternatives may be used by the faculty. Likewise, review materials will be given to students who will take board exams.

Those who have incurred INC remarks during the 2nd semester, A.Y. 2018-2019 which completion will lapse this semester, they are given another one semester extension to complete (1st semester, A.Y. 2020-2021).

For graduating students with INC grades, they must coordinate with their instructors/professors immediately.

Retention policies in all courses is waived for the current semester. Prerequisites are also waived for the 1st semester enrollment, A.Y. 2020-2021 for affected subjects during the lockdown.

NOTE: The lessons/activities/modules sent until May 15 through flexible learning will not be part of the grading system. These must not give additional stress to students.

Faculty members may visit TSU to get students’ records on a given schedule. Coordinate with the respective deans on this matter to ensure observance of safety measures and protocols.

  • Thesis Defense, OJT, and other related subjects

With the approval of the Administrative and Academic Councils, the midterm performance and accomplishment of students in their thesis, OJT, and other related subjects will be the basis for their final grades. Thesis defense of graduating students for undergraduate classes is no longer a requirement for graduation for those who have not completed their thesis.  Instead, faculty could look for other alternatives to help the students.

  • Midyear Classes

The university will offer midyear classes for graduating students. These classes, including OJT, must be conducted via flexible learning.

Students who will take their OJT must not be deployed. Skills assessment and other alternative means must be explored.

Midyear term and 1st semester A.Y. 2020-2021 enrollment dates will be announced later.

  • Graduate School thesis defense, 3rd trimester, online instruction

Graduate School students’ thesis defense for the 2nd trimester is extended and will be conducted online. Kindly coordinate with your respective deans.

The 3rd trimester of the TSU Graduate School will commence on May. Classes must be held via online instruction.

Enrollment (3rd Trimester): May 4-9, 2020
Start of classes: May 11, 2020
End of classes: July 18, 2020

  • Graduation

The University President will confirm the degrees earned by the graduates upon the completion of the prescribed requirements for graduation, subject to the approval of the Board of Regents.

The conferment of degrees earned will be posted on the TSU website. Date of posting of conferment will be announced later.

The application for graduation is waived. However, the deans will certify that the students have complied with all necessary requirements for graduation.

Traditional commencement exercises will be scheduled at a later date if the situation will allow and if the students so desire.

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